Friday, September 10, 2010

GOLD! its element atomic # 79!!

1. My Name: France (French): Or Spain (Spanish): Oro Holland (Dutch): Goud

2. Pictures Of Gold: this is wut GOLD Looks like in its pure form!!!

another picture of gold

3. Nucleus
 how many Protons and neutrons does the nucleus of my most common isotope contain?
Answer:  Au-198
What is the natural abundance of gold? (in Percent)
Answer: 100%
What is Gold's Nuclear Spin? 
Answer: 3/2
What is the Average Atomic Mass of Gold?
Answer: 196.97 (or) 197
**Fun Fact**: Au-198 is also used to treat cancer.

4. Electrons
 How many electrons are there in a neutral atom of gold?
Answer: 79 
how mant shells of electrons does gold have?
Answer: 6
This picture is of schematic representation of the shell structure of gold

5. Atom
 what is gold's atomic radius in meters?
Answer: Radius =174 pm 
(1 pm = 10^-12 m) 
 radius in meters= 174(10^-12)

6. Properties
what are Gold's properties in its pure element form?
Melting point: 1337.33 (or 1947.52 degrees F) K
Boiling point: 3129 (or 5137 degrees F) K
Liquid range: 1791.67 K

7. Gold's Home
what is the abundence Gold's body in grams?
Answer: 5-6g 
What is Gold's abundence in the earth's crust and in our universe in (Parts Per Billion (PPB))?
Universe: 0.6
Sun: 1
Meteorite (carbonaceous): 170
Crustal rocks: 3.1 
Sea water: 0.05
Stream: 0.002 
Human: 100

8. Gold's Compounds 
What compounds does Gold form?

Example #1: Gold trifluoride: AuF3

Example #2: Gold chloride: AuCl

9. Gold's Story

Who Discovered Gold?
Answer: John Dalton
How, When, and where was Gold Discovered?
Dalton's theory of atoms was published by Thomas Thomson in the 3rd edition of his System of Chemistry in 1807 and in a paper about strontium oxalates published in the Philosophical Transactions. Dalton published these ideas himself in the following year in the New System of Chemical Philosophy.

When: autumn of 1803, published in 1807  by Thomas Thomson
Where: N/A

10. Gold's Jobs
What jobs does Gold perform in society?

Example #1: Gold Wedding bands

Example #2: Since gold is inert and possesses useful properties when alloyed, gold is used extensively for dentistry in gold teeth, dental attachments, inserts, and solders.

11. Fun Facts 

  1. The term “gold” is the from the Proto-Indo-European base *ghel / *ghol meaning “yellow,” “green,” or possibly “bright.”
  2. Gold is so rare that the world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold since the beginning of recorded history.
  3. Gold has been discovered on every continent on earth.
  4. Gold melts at 1064.43° Centigrade. It can conduct both heat and electricity and it never rusts.
  5. Due to its high value, most gold discovered throughout history is still in circulation. However, it is thought that 80% of the world’s gold is still in the ground.
  6. Seventy-five percent of all gold in circulation has been extracted since 1910.
  7. A medical study in France during the early twentieth century suggests that gold is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
  8. Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread. An ounce of gold can be stretched over 50 miles.
  9. 1 ounce (28 g) of gold can be beaten out to 300 square feet

This Information Can Be found at :

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome to Krissy's Blog

My name is Krissy. I am Fifteen years old, and i Recently moved to california from Idaho. The new school i am attending is very hard. but my life is way better now, in cali, then it was in idaho. i have only sibling, a brother named Charlie. My favorite color is yellow. i wear it everyday- its an amazing bright color. I love my dog, Piper Lily. She is a blonde Shih-Tzu.I plan to go to Stanford University to be a pediatric cardio surgeon. i have lots of new friends- inlcuding the guy sitting next to me; his name is Rami. lol and my next door neighbor; her name is Alex and her best friends, analyse, irene, and shatty. Anyways. thats my blog so far.