Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr and Hungry F?

IN= Ionization Energy
EN= Electronegitivity

1. Why Francium is the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN?
its the bottom corner of the periodic table, there fore having the lowest EN. Francium has 7 shells and within that 7th period it has the least amount of Protons in its row. having low IN however, is because it is an alkali metal, and it has a charge of +1. Alkali metals are most likely to give away there electrons.

2. Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE?
helium has the smallest element because it has one shell and 2 protons instead of one (Hydrogen) which pull the shells tighter together creating a high IE.

3. Why Noble Gases don't have EN values?
 the have full valence shells and they are stable so they dont need to give away or gain electrons.

4. Why Fluorine has the highest EN?
it has seven valence electrons and is the smallest element out of the halogens so the shells are tighter.

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